eva beierheimer


- der bau#2/2015
- shadow, speak you too/2014
- the door towards words/2014
- der bau#1/2014
- interpolation/2013

- prospectus/2013
- dostoyevsky/kafka/foucault/2012
- road/2012
- window/door/2012
- the importance of doing nothing/2012
- the importance of discussing everything/2012
- relation #1/2011
- relation #2/2011
- textsynthese IV–den ängen som...1/2011
- textsynthese IV–den ängen som...2/2011
- textsynthese IV–den ängen som...3/2011
- textsynthese III/2010
- interstitial #3/2010
- ephemeral structure/2009
- inkompetenzkompensationskompetenz/2009
- interstitial #1/2008
- folding plans/2005
- projections/2004-2007
- cut outs/2002-2006




_borderline centre for
foreign contemporary art







Shadow speak
Special Project @ 4th International Çanakkale Bienniale, Mahal Art Center, 2015

Light-text installation, Eva Beierheimer/Miriam Laussegger
Atlas of Poetry in eleven languages, assembled by A.S. Bruckstein Çoruh

The project presents an artistic anthology of mural poetry in eleven languages that were characteristic of the multi-cultural mosaic of Çanakkale around 1915, languages that during the 20th century have withdrawn from public use in Turkey.














